This past Christmas break has probably my busiest ever but I was able to get out a few times and make some casts. My lovely wife and I bought our first home and it's been a dream come true. I'm pretty excited to have an office again to study in and more importantly tying flies and other tackle-craft projects. Oakley, our 4 yo golden retriever paid the price as we didn't have a fence at the new house so we had to leave him at the old house until we were completely moved in. So I decided to let him tag along during my latest adventure. Oakley hasn't been the best fishing companion in the past. But this trip he did very well. I don't know if it was the 38* weather, a taste of freedom, or just maturity, but Oakley kept by my side and seldom went ahead to check out and usually spook the pool ahead. I was able to catch bows, browns, and one cutt in about 4 hours. Looking forward to many more fishing trips to come this year!
My favorite fish of the trip was also the largest. There is a lot of brush fallen into this slow-moving stream and behind one pile I could see a shadow moving back and forth in the current. I cast down stream and used the tension to load my rod and fling a cast right up the butt of the brush. I let the #6 brown semi-seal bugger sink for a moment.........strip....strip..strike! I love how visual streamer fishing is!