February 26, 2012

FNA it's good to get out!

I was able to get out for a couple hours today. It was colder and even slower then last time. I thought I would have things dialed in this trip but no such luck; but that's fishing. I was glad to catch a couple Bows and had a nice break.

February 20, 2012

First Ice-off Fishing of 2012

I was pleasantly surprised to find some soft water this afternoon. It took some time for me to figure out how to hold my jaw but I finally found my ju ju. Used the 9' #6 Cabelas Stowaway 5 I built last month and really liked it. I picked the blank up for $30 out of the bargain cave and with all the fixin's I was in the rod less then $80. I can't wait for the next time I can sneak out!