I've been amped about all the FB and other contests giving out free Flyfishing gear. I'm a baller on a budget so I have to save where I can. Here are a few I've found...( if you win just contact me for my cut!)
Good luck!
December 6, 2013
November 14, 2013
Winner Winner Chicken Dinner!
hookup beoch,
Phuck Skool
October 31, 2013
Happy Halloween!
I entered the William Joseph Flyfishing pumpkin carving contest 2013 and won 1st place! I'm stoked to pick up some more Willy J gear! I spent a little too much time on this thing, but once I started, I went all in...
Damn Deer!
I've only been out once in the past few weeks. I hit a deer coming back from a solo adventure and did some damage to my JGC. I was going about 65 mph when I hit it, then applied the brakes. To add to the drama I was 2 wks over-due on registration due to a chiped tail light. Needless to say I was a bit more behind the 8-ball after this wreck. I've spent the past 2 weeks putting in back together. I've been too afraid to go fishing again in fear I may undue all my hard work...
June 21, 2013
Connor's First "Boy's Trip"

Connor had so much fun catching fish on his own he begged to go again. Sam and I took him and Oakley back up the mountain last Sat to feed his craving for more trouts on top. We started at the bottom of Willow creek with limited success. After an hour of flogging water with only a couple hook-ups, we moved locations
We hiked down the deep canyon walls where 2nd creek runs into the lake. It took a while before we started catching fish, but once we did it continued. Connor struggled a little setting the hook fast enough, and since he had "mastered" his cast, he wasn't receptive to any help. He was finally rewarded with a nice brown from the hole at the top of this post. I can't fully describe the joy and elation that comes from watching a boy catch some of his first fish wearing a grin from ear to ear.
I've fished these streams most every Father's Days since moving to southern Utah and each time has been a choice experience, this trip being the pinnicle thus far. I challenge those reading this to take a kid fishing. I could be the start to a life-long pursuit and what better place to be then in the front seat with them!
June 14, 2013
Connor sticks some trouts on his own
The family went to 2nd creek last Monday. Connor has been wanting to catch a fish on his own...cast, set the hook, & reel in. He insisted on using his all-blue "stonefly" to begin with. Fish would come up and inspect it, but no takers. He decided to allow me to tie on a stone-hopper and things got interesting. He really did a great job casting in the narrow lanes between the willows. He soon connected with a scrappy bow! The only assistance was me telling him to lift the rod. He caught another with the same minimal level of assistance. The third fish he set the hook without prompting! He was almost as proud as his dad!
Connor and I are heading up again tomorrow to let him practice some more...
April 27, 2013
Jigolos, Beads, & Meat
Last weekend I took a trip with Bishop Jan and a member of his Zoobie congregation to visit my cousin Nolan. Nolan is an ER doctor in Vernal, UT who has recently found himself short on fishing buddies. I am more then happy to help fill this void, so our adventure begins...
Before I continue, let me fill in some blanks with the back-story. Bishop Jan (no, not Jon...Jan, my dad's name is Jan, and his little brother's name is Kerry BTW) is an impatient fisherman; in fact fisherman is a loosely used term.
I grew up with a very loving, involved father. We spent a lot of time in the outdoors camping, hiking, motorcycle riding, hunting, and even a little fishing. My fondest memories of my childhood involved family trips in the wilderness; so now I try to build these memories with my little family. But enough brown-nosing, back too the back-story...
Long story short, as much as I love flyfishing, I've never been able to get BJ to go. It's not from lack of trying, he just seemed to always squirm his way out. In fact, as we finalized our plans for this trip he chimed in about borrowing the neighbor's motorcycle and going for a ride part of the trip...THIS IS A FISHING TRIP!!!
Bishop Jan's idea of fishing in plunking a treble hook covered with Powerbait in a friend's heavily stocked pond...oh and the rod-fee must be free99. Needless to say my father never mentored me in the fine art of flyfishing. If anything, the highlight of this trip was going to be BJ finally flyfishing!

A light snow-pack and cold spring led to a lack-luster run off this year. But Mother-nature decided to blanket the ground with some fresh snow the night before our trip began. It was an amazing site as we drove to our destination. As we pulled up to the boat dock, There was a sheet of ice covered in a couple inches of snow. We about slid into the lake but Nolan maneuvered us safely to a stop. Without a shovel, Jeremy (Zoobie ward-member) went to work clearing the way with an Igloo cooler.
With a little finagling and a lot more luck, we were finally able to launch the boat. I thought we had paid our dues and it would be smooth sailing from here on out...

Bishop Jan's first official fly-induced "grip and grin"...
Jeremy's bride of one month gave him the nod to join us for this adventure. I wasn't sure about adding to the roster for this trip but I'm happy he came along; and not just because he epically netted my fish of the trip. You will likely see more of him on this blog since he spends time at a family cabin near some of my favorite summer haunts. We've already made plans to broaden his perspective on southern Utah fishing to include some moving water.
Before I continue, let me fill in some blanks with the back-story. Bishop Jan (no, not Jon...Jan, my dad's name is Jan, and his little brother's name is Kerry BTW) is an impatient fisherman; in fact fisherman is a loosely used term.
I grew up with a very loving, involved father. We spent a lot of time in the outdoors camping, hiking, motorcycle riding, hunting, and even a little fishing. My fondest memories of my childhood involved family trips in the wilderness; so now I try to build these memories with my little family. But enough brown-nosing, back too the back-story...
Long story short, as much as I love flyfishing, I've never been able to get BJ to go. It's not from lack of trying, he just seemed to always squirm his way out. In fact, as we finalized our plans for this trip he chimed in about borrowing the neighbor's motorcycle and going for a ride part of the trip...THIS IS A FISHING TRIP!!!
Bishop Jan's idea of fishing in plunking a treble hook covered with Powerbait in a friend's heavily stocked pond...oh and the rod-fee must be free99. Needless to say my father never mentored me in the fine art of flyfishing. If anything, the highlight of this trip was going to be BJ finally flyfishing!
A light snow-pack and cold spring led to a lack-luster run off this year. But Mother-nature decided to blanket the ground with some fresh snow the night before our trip began. It was an amazing site as we drove to our destination. As we pulled up to the boat dock, There was a sheet of ice covered in a couple inches of snow. We about slid into the lake but Nolan maneuvered us safely to a stop. Without a shovel, Jeremy (Zoobie ward-member) went to work clearing the way with an Igloo cooler.
With a little finagling and a lot more luck, we were finally able to launch the boat. I thought we had paid our dues and it would be smooth sailing from here on out...
As we turned the corner into the cove, we were praying there weren't any other boats that beat us to this little tributary. Instead we found 100+ yards of ice blocking us from our destination. Without hesitation, Nolan crashed his boat through the ice and navigated us to our playground for the day. Nervous excitement filled the air as we rigged up and headed out.
Nolan was the first to connect with a nice buck. His prescription was a Jigolo, which is an egg pattern tyed on a very small jig hook.
Jeremy had another technique planned which involved a mottled-egg bead suspended 1" above the hook. I lined the rod and handed it over to Jeremy to work his magic setting BJ up with the killer combo. It was so killer in fact, the next three fish were caught by Bishop Jan. Here I am showing pops how to pose for a picture with a fish he caught...Bishop Jan's first official fly-induced "grip and grin"...
The catching continued...except for me. Everyone else seemed to be living right because I couldn't buy a hook-up. I hiked ahead to find fresh water as the other three stayed back and pounded the honey holes. I was finally able to connect with a couple fish. 

On the way back down to reconnect with the group, I saw Jeremy wedged between two boulders flogging water. He reported having some takes but no sticks. I maneuvered below the huge boulder and on my first cast hooked into a beast. The water exploded with fury and I tried to keep it in the pool above me. But soon enough the fish headed down-stream and I feared I was going to loose it. Below this pool was swift current that led to a plunge-pool eight feet down. I yelled out for Jeremy to attempt and net it. Just as my trophy was heading over the crest of the falls, Jeremy went Matrix-ninja, judo-chops just in time for the fish to dive head-first into his net!
Jeremy and I sat on this hole for over an hour taking turns hooking fish. I switched thinks up a little and threw some 6" articulated streamers after they turned their nose up at the bead-egg. My first cast was slammed by a feisty buck. I was able to pick up another one in the pool below.
While Jeremy and I were batting clean-up in the boulder pool, Nolan and Bishop Jan were killing it...literately...in the scum line behind the boat. Jan insisted they bonk a few over the head and made Jeremy and I clean them. Jeremy was a little too eager to gut them, who's the brown-noser now?
It was way too much fun and I'm sad it was over so quickly. Until next year...Like it or not Nolan I'm making this annual!
March 29, 2013
Catching toads in frog water
I planned to go camping outside Escalante, UT this weekend, but fate had other plans. Sam has been frequenting this stream all month, I was finally able to join him. I started with a crawdad pattern, but my 9' #6 was a bit much for this small stream, so I went back to the jeep and switched to my trusty 8.5' #3. I caught fish on nymphs (scud & red CJ), elk hair caddis, and brown buggers. The fish below hit Sam's nymph and after a short fight came unbuttoned...the amazing thing is not 30 seconds later, he went for the same nymph and this time it stuck!
I caught mostly bows and Sam had a 50/50 brown/bow split. A couple fish proved to be picky, but after multiple fly changes, I seemed to gain the upper hand. Sam spotted the fish below holding in about 18" of water. I made a few casts without much reaction. It nipped at my fly a couple times but nothing aggressive. I finally pushed it's buttons enough to get a take. It measure just over 22"!
March 2, 2013
Exploring with the DRZ
I'm planning a motorcycle trip (all pavement) with my dad and his friend in a couple weeks. I'm still pretty new to riding a bike on the road, so i thought I better practice a little before I'm forced to try and keep up with two road bikes with my '09 DRZ 400S. I started at the Toquerville exit off I-15 and drove towards Zion National Park. I decided to take a detour to see if the ice at Kolob Reservoir has started to recede around the edges (fishing related part of this post), but turned around about 1-2 miles from the reservoir as the snow drifts only appeared to be getting larger.
On the way back down I decided to explore a dirt road with a mix of ATV, MX, and Mountain Bike tracks. I drove down a dirt spine that only seemed to be getting more sketchy so I retraced my tracks back up the hill to a more worn path down the hill. I noticed a dirt kicker, and then another. I stopped to look what was above me to see a trail down the hillside that can only be described as insane. I think I was driving right through the course for the 2012 Red Bull Rampage. I was very careful not to tear up the track and avoided the 8 or so kickers as I got the hell out of there. I didn't see any signs, but didn't want to wait to find out I was breaking the law, or get my ass kicked for accidentally riding into some one's hard work. No harm done, but I will avoid this area next time.
I really had a great time and gained a lot of confidence navigating turns at 70+ MPH. I'm impressed by this little 400cc bike, can't wait to make a few modifications to the engine to really wake this thing up. I even more excited to explore my back yard with it, fly rod in tow...
On the way back down I decided to explore a dirt road with a mix of ATV, MX, and Mountain Bike tracks. I drove down a dirt spine that only seemed to be getting more sketchy so I retraced my tracks back up the hill to a more worn path down the hill. I noticed a dirt kicker, and then another. I stopped to look what was above me to see a trail down the hillside that can only be described as insane. I think I was driving right through the course for the 2012 Red Bull Rampage. I was very careful not to tear up the track and avoided the 8 or so kickers as I got the hell out of there. I didn't see any signs, but didn't want to wait to find out I was breaking the law, or get my ass kicked for accidentally riding into some one's hard work. No harm done, but I will avoid this area next time.
I really had a great time and gained a lot of confidence navigating turns at 70+ MPH. I'm impressed by this little 400cc bike, can't wait to make a few modifications to the engine to really wake this thing up. I even more excited to explore my back yard with it, fly rod in tow...
February 7, 2013
The end of one season and the beginning of another...
A few fish from the last couple trips of 2012. Looking forward to many more amazing trips already planned for 2013!
The first trip of 2013 was with Sam below the lake I fished last before winter hit. It started out slow but after a few fishy spots that went unrewarded, we discovered the combination and had a great day catching small bows and browns on a 50/50 split of surface and subsurface patterns. I was surprised at how many fish went for the Stoned-hopper...and in February! That pattern has performed time and time again. I fished a copper john for the first time in ages and it worked well for me.
Sam got into tying recently. This is his first fish on a fly he tied...
This little brownie had some freak-spot on it's mouth...a fungus maybe?
Sam caught a brown that looked like it had a close encounter with a bird...
Fall Canyon Fishing
Sam wanted to learn to better fish sub-surface so I took him to one of my favorite streams to fish in the fall. I love this canyon and it often loves me back. We started the day fishing double nymph rigs through the deep holes dotted along this canyon stream. Later in the day we tried a section of stream I'd failed to try before. There was a lot of frog-water in the beginning, but we soon reached some faster water. A hare's ear below a stone-hopper was the ticket.
This little run rewarded me with three fish in three casts.
Willow Creek
Willow creek has always held a special place in my heart. In fact I contribute it to changing my paradigm about fly fishing from the casual fly-angler to the obsessed. I can't count the number of times I've fished this small valley stream, but each time has been unique and rewarding.
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