I love the way this picture of Connor came out when I first took it. But with this new technique, it really made for a great shot! This is the first picture I've used this method on, but I was so excited I thought i would share. I've always been impressed by HDR pictures and thought I needed an expensive digital SLR and an ability to shoot in RAW to create one. But with the help of Google and a little luck, I was able to come across a way to do it ghetto style. And for those that know me, the more ghettoerest the bettererest! The following video shows how to improve images dramatically with GIMP. Although this isn't truly HDR, it does create vivid images. I've found that scenery and fish are enhanced well by this technique. But hero shots and portraits do not come out as well because skin tone is too unnatural. In the last picture with Kyle's snagged brookie, the original thumbnail looks better, but once the pictures are viewed at larger size the Fake HDR is much better.
I've ruined two cameras while fishing after taking a misstepped plunge into the water. The last victim was a Casio Exilim I killed last summer. I've been using a Canon I borrowed from my dad since July, but didn't really like it. I really wanted a camera that could take abuse and still produce good picture quality. To make matters worse, I also needed good video because this was to be the family camera to document my two runt's childhood. I narrowed my choices down to the Panasonic TS2 and the Sony TX5. But the Panasonic was $60 cheaper and rated to have better video so I pulled the trigger last night. I hope it's as good as advertised. There seems to be some really cool features that I'm excited to try out. With this new toy I can add more to fisheatflies, which has been non-existent for quite a while. I've been hard at work at the vise and I want to share my creations with the general public.
By Justin Pickett
The sun is only a faint glow below the horizon as it prepares to make its
ascent into the sky.
I launch my chunky, articulated offerin...
From Native Fish Society March 2025 Eugene Water and Electric Board
Violating Endangered Species Act Advocates Sue to Address Harm to Bull
Trout and Chin...
We said to ourselves, to get bring you distraction, that we were going to
share what we’ve been listening as we were working on our new project… Turn
up ...
We experienced what I believe to be the very end of our South Carolina
winter last week with heavy rain and winds that lasted all day and we
barely made it...
Got invited to fish with matt and logun and as much as i am not a big fan
of that place, i chose to go anyway since i only get out there maybe twice
a ye...
A slight variation of a standard Elk Hair or Deer Hair Caddis, this pattern
from Poul Jorgensen’s “Dry Flies for the New Millennium” has a dubbed head
Dive DEEEP for the Donks
There are many ways to fish chironomids, but in our opinion, there isn't
any better way to fish them than on a midge tip fly lin...
I am still alive guys! I haven't been doing much on this page since it
seems like everything shifted over to Facebook and Instagram. If you are
are sti...
Recently I had the good fortune to be in Nashville, Tennessee and of
course, I found myself sneaking into an excellent local fly shop. Fly
South is tu...
A lot has happened since my last post in June. My pediatric rotation
FINALLY finished- it was a very long three months with no free time.
Treatment pla...
So I finally decided to get serious about completing the Utah Cutt Slam.
Headed out to Woodruff Creek Reservoir. Fishing was pretty slow but I did
manage t...
Where do you want to go this year fishing for fish? Where would you want to
live, that way you could chase trout when you get off work? Do you really
need ...
We are excited to announce a fundraising event this summer on the Green
River, the first annual Gourmet on the Green! It is this coming weekend!
You may ha...
Had pretty good coverage across the state over the past few weeks, fishing
from border to border Literally, just a stones throw from either side of
Canada ...
It was tough fishing but we went and we caught fish!
I say it was tough for at least two reasons. The visibility was the main
thing that made it tough f...
As many may know I started up an online Fly Shop in the last couple years,
and I recently redesigned the website. I believe the new design is a big
Headed to Kona for my brothers wedding and after that my family spent a
week in Kauai. I was excited about this because I wanted to go bonefishing.
I didn'...
After catching my sweetest trout to date, which ended up being a tiger
trout on a mouse pattern, Derek was way excited for me. He has painted a
lot in the ...