Hopefully there's nothing added to that Coke of yours, and that burger isn't an official In & Out burger. Tie some mice we'll be needing them in a couple days. Where were going they will strike them. Cross your fingers.
The Scott Fly Rod Company is pleased to announce the introduction of their
new 50th Anniversary Edition fly rods.
This year, the Scott Fly Rod Company pro...
A real fishing trip, not a stroll 100 yards from the parking lot, no. A
trip on foot and by kayak through a completely wild part of Montana, “The
Bob”! Y...
Fall is here in full swing. For us here that means rain, and generally lots
of it. The first atmospheric rivers of the year have brought substantial
rains ...
Have any of you seen those Rapala lure commercials with the fisherman in
the store pondering over which "Extreme Net Man" to hire for the day. If
you hav...
A slight variation of a standard Elk Hair or Deer Hair Caddis, this pattern
from Poul Jorgensen’s “Dry Flies for the New Millennium” has a dubbed head
Our buddy Zugbug called this 20 years ago…
Is this a thing? Selling #NFT of your fly fishing photos?
https://t.co/MuMXJbSjcv #RetirementPlanning
— fly...
https://wadeoutthere.com/the-wadeoutthere-fly-fishing-podcast/ Sit back and
take a listen to some of the onfo I have on tying and fishing. I talk about
Wow. Cant believe I did not make one blog post in 2020. Granted, it was a
busy year. I finished up graduate school, moved across the country, started
a n...
Dive DEEEP for the Donks
There are many ways to fish chironomids, but in our opinion, there isn't
any better way to fish them than on a midge tip fly lin...
I almost didn't go grouse hunting. I was pulling onto the interstate and
thinking it is supposed to rain and snow and it is the opening day of rifle
elk s...
Where do you want to go this year fishing for fish? Where would you want to
live, that way you could chase trout when you get off work? Do you really
need ...
We are excited to announce a fundraising event this summer on the Green
River, the first annual Gourmet on the Green! It is this coming weekend!
You may ha...
Got in some urban angling over the past week.
Don't go chasin' waterfalls. Banging the drum for sheepshead and carp.
Sneaked past fences, trying not to sn...
It was tough fishing but we went and we caught fish!
I say it was tough for at least two reasons. The visibility was the main
thing that made it tough f...
As many may know I started up an online Fly Shop in the last couple years,
and I recently redesigned the website. I believe the new design is a big
Headed to Kona for my brothers wedding and after that my family spent a
week in Kauai. I was excited about this because I wanted to go bonefishing.
I didn'...
After catching my sweetest trout to date, which ended up being a tiger
trout on a mouse pattern, Derek was way excited for me. He has painted a
lot in the ...
Hopefully there's nothing added to that Coke of yours, and that burger isn't an official In & Out burger. Tie some mice we'll be needing them in a couple days. Where were going they will strike them. Cross your fingers.